John Giorno es uno de aquellos supervivientes que, por lo demostrado anoche en El Páramo zaragozano, no ha perdido ni la energía, ni la ironía, ni el sarcasmo con elevadísimas dosis de censura moral. Nos ofreció un milagroso recital de anticultura, de antimoralidad, de antiestética y nos imbuimos (todos, creo) de su anglofonía bien modulada, rapsódica sin pasarse un pelo y en la que nos descubrió una cosa esencial sobre todas las demás que expresó de auténtica e infalible memoria: que la cultura, la verdadera cultura, es anterior al hombre, preexistente al logos; se encuentra en las raíces de Geaia. El granado, como bienamado árbol de la sabiduría no deja de crecer y de dar frutos. Uno, John Giorno, cuyas palabras me recordaban en algunos momentos algo de aquella hiperpsicodélica película protagonizada por Sean Connery; ¿la recordáis?: Zardoz.
Bon Giorno, querido John.
On a day whenyou're walking down the street and you see a hearse with a coffin, followed bya flower car and limos, you know the day is auspicious, your plans are going to be successful; but on a day when you see a bride and groom and wedding party, watch out, be careful, it might be a bad sign. Just say no to family values, and don't quit your day job. Drugs are sacred substances, and some drugs are very sacred substances, please praise them for some what liberating the mind. Tobacco is a sacred substance to some, and even though you've stopped smoking, show a little respect. Alcoholis totally great, let us celebrate the glorious qualities of booze, and I had a good time being with you. Just do it, just don't not do it, just do it. Christian fundamentalists, and fundamentalists in general, are viruses, and they're killing us, multiplying and mutating, and they destroying us, now, you know, you got to give strong medicine to combat a virus. Who's buying? good acid, I'm flying, slipping and sliding, slurping and slamming, I'm sinking, dipping and dripping, and squirting inside you; never fast forward come shot; milk, milk, lemonade, round the corner where the chocolate's made; I love to see your face when you're suffering. Do it with anybody you want, whatever you want, for as long as you want, any place, any place, when it's possible, and try to be safe; in a situation where you must abandon yourself completely beyond all concepts. Twat throat and cigarette dew, that floor would ruin a sponge mop, she's the queen of great bliss; light in your heart, flowing up a crystal channel into your eyes and out hooking the world with compassion. Just say no to family values. We don't have to say No to family values, cause we never think about them; just do it, just make love and compassion.